Single Tooth Implants and Bridges in Howell, NJ

What Are Single Tooth Implants & Bridges?

A single tooth implant is a titanium post surgically placed into the jawbone as a sturdy replacement for a missing tooth root. This provides a stable foundation for a custom-made dental crown, mimicking your original tooth's natural look and function.

Riverpark Dental of Howell is your trusted destination for comprehensive dental care, including state-of-the-art single-tooth implants in Howell, NJ. If you're facing the challenge of a missing tooth, our single-tooth implants and bridges offer a reliable and aesthetically pleasing solution.


How it Works

Our team of Riverpark Dental of Howell dental professionals follows a meticulous process for single-tooth implants. Here's what you can expect from your single-tooth implant consultation at our dental office in Howell:

Initial Consultation: Your journey begins with a comprehensive consultation. Our team of dentists will assess your oral health, take X-rays, and discuss your specific needs and expectations. If a single tooth implant is deemed optimal, we'll develop a personalized treatment plan.

Treatment Planning: Our team will meticulously plan the procedure before implant placement. This involves considering the precise location for implant placement, the angle, and the depth, ensuring optimal aesthetics and functionality.

Local Anesthesia: On the day of the procedure, you will be administered local anesthesia to ensure your comfort during the process. If needed, sedation options can also be discussed to alleviate any anxiety.

Implant Placement: The dental implant is a small titanium post surgically placed into the jawbone at the site of the missing tooth. This post is a substitute for the natural tooth root and provides a stable foundation for the replacement tooth.

Healing Period (Osseointegration): After the implant is placed, a critical phase follows, known as osseointegration. This is when the implant fuses with the surrounding jawbone, creating a durable bond. This process usually takes a few months, during which a temporary crown may be placed.

Abutment Placement: Once osseointegration is complete, an abutment, a connector piece, is attached to the implant. This serves as a link between the implant and the final dental restoration.

Final Restoration Placement: The final step involves securing the custom restoration, usually a dental crown, onto the abutment. This completes the process, providing a functional and aesthetically pleasing replacement for your missing tooth.

Single Tooth Implants and Bridges Cost

Picture this: your missing tooth is replaced seamlessly, and all it takes is to cover the implant body, abutment, and a crown that feels like it's always been there. And here's the kicker – we've got your back with a fabulous five-year warranty!

Now, let's talk about bridges! If you're up for a smile that replaces not one but three teeth, our implant bridge is the way to go. You'll be rocking two implant bodies, abutments, and a unit bridge. Brace yourself for cost-effectiveness - it's like a dental magic trick! Plus, we're throwing in a stellar five-year warranty to ensure your newfound confidence lasts.

At Riverpark Dental of Howell, we're not just creating smiles; we're crafting confidence. Embrace the brilliance of single-tooth implants and bridges – your journey to a dazzling smile starts here!


Starting as low as: $110/mo

Single Tooth Implant

Replaces 1 tooth

Includes the implant body, abutment, and crown


Starting as low as: $135/mo

Implant Bridge

Replaces 3 Teeth

Includes 2 implant bodies, 2 abutments, and 3 unit bridge

More cost effective than placing 3 individual implants



Starting as low as: $110/mo

Single Tooth Implant

Replaces 1 tooth

Includes the implant body, abutment, and crown

Available Financing & Payment Options

Opting for dental implants is a substantial means of self-improvement, and the option to break down this investment into monthly installments can render these transformative services more accessible and convenient for your budget. We partner with diverse financing providers to present payment plans that can accommodate either the complete expense or a portion of your dental implant procedure.

frequently asked questions

Generally, each missing tooth is replaced with a separate implant. However, in some cases, multiple teeth can be supported by a single implant or a few strategically placed implants.
In some cases, a temporary crown or bridge can be placed on the implant on the same day, but this depends on individual circumstances. Your dentist will determine the most suitable approach based on your specific situation.

Dental Implant Timeline

Insert the implant body and wait for 4 months to allow integration with the jawbone.
Uncover the implants, allowing two weeks for the gums to take shape correctly.
Take impressions and send them to an external laboratory for the fabrication of the abutment and crown. This typically requires 3-4 weeks.
Install the abutment and crown.
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Candidate For Dental Implants
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